Stem Cell Treatments: Terms to Know

Stem cell treatments: Uses stem cells or the specialized cell types that come from stem cells to replace or repair a patient’s cells or tissues that are damaged or absent.

Informed or treatment consent form: document that outlines a patient’s role in receiving an experimental treatment, and the possible implications of proceeding with the investigational or unapproved treatment. It should provide a clear and detailed description of the treatment or procedure in plain language and explain a patient’s options for treatment, their rights and responsibilities, and the risks.

Unproven stem cell “treatment”: treatment that has not been tested through formal or regulated clinical trials and has not been shown to be effective or safe. Unproven stem cell “treatments” are currently being marketed and administered by stem cell clinics and providers around the world operating outside accepted ethical standards. Administration of unproven “treatments” can cause physical, psychological, and/or financial harm.

Investigational treatment: terms sometimes used to describe stem cell treatments that are being tested in clinical trials but are not approved as effective and safe. Until formal approval, a stem cell treatment that is being tested in clinical trials is considered investigational. It is important to understand that testing a stem cell treatment in clinical trials does not guarantee that it will become an approved and established therapy.

Approved stem cell treatments: treatments that are backed by convincing evidence of efficacy and safety, approved by the appropriate regulatory bodies, and are widely accepted by the global medical community. At this time, beyond the treatment of various cancers of the blood and selected immunological conditions, there are very few conditions for which stem cell-based therapies are established as effective and safe treatments.

Blood stem cell transplantation/bone marrow transplantation: bone marrow, blood stem cell transplantation, or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is one of the only stem cell treatments that has been proven to be effective and safe. Through blood stem cell transplantation, healthy blood stem cells can replace diseased ones, potentially making all future blood and immune cells and treating the patient. Blood stem cell transplantations are most commonly used to treat blood diseases (such as cancers or red blood cell disorders), bone marrow failure diseases, and certain diseases that result from missing or dysfunctional immune cells. Inherited metabolic diseases (deficiencies in breaking down substances in the body) can also be treated by transplantation.

Stem cell tourism: the travel to another state, region or country specifically for the purpose of undergoing a stem cell treatment available at that location. This phrase is also used to refer to the pursuit of untested and unregulated stem cell treatments.

Patient testimonials: a statement based on personal knowledge or belief that endorses the services provided. These statements may be subjective, influenced, and lack the scientific rigor necessary to establish the safety and efficacy of a treatment. It is critical to rely on evidence-based research and consult with healthcare professionals when making personal health decisions.


Clinical Trials: Terms to Know

